Summary of Benefits Coverage Notice
Benefits Provider Contacts
View the complete list of contacts for Stanford plans and benefits providers
Other Contacts
Mailing Address
You can upload many important documents, such as Dependent Certification Forms, directly through the My Benefits portal. Or, you can mail or fax them to:
Stanford Benefits
P.O. Box 3190
Bellaire, TX 77402
Fax: 866-539-0431
The Affordable Care Act (also known as the Health Care Reform law) requires that you receive a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC).
The SBC is designed to help you understand and evaluate your health plan choices. To obtain copies of the SBC for each of the Stanford University sponsored medical plans, search for SBC on the Cardinal at Work website (or click here). Paper copies are also available, free of charge, from the University HR Service Team by calling 877-905-2985 or 650-736-2985.