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Coaching for High Performance and Development (2 part series)

Course overview:
Professional development can help to build employees' confidence in their work. Greater confidence translates into higher job satisfaction, employee performance, productivity and overall morale.

Learn a "coach approach" by leveraging 3 powerful tools to both coach employees in the moment and help employees reach their development goals. This approach is also widely applicable for situations where collaboration, innovation and ownership are required for results.

This course will help learners:
- Demonstrate awareness of own strengths development needs and shows commitment to self-growth
- Actively identify new areas for learning; regularly creating and taking advantage of learning opportunities, pursuing development experiences to improve interpersonal and business impact
- Creates a work environment where people want to do their best
- Support and encourage others to develop their knowledge, skills
and behaviors for the wider benefit of the organization
- Be aware of team members’ career goals and creates compelling
development plans and executes them
- Provide feedback, instruction and development guidance helping
others to excel in current or future job responsibilities

Format: Two sessions; Main session (2.5 hours) and Follow-up session (1 hour)

Course fee: $200

Instructor: The People Piece

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