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New Workplace Violence Prevention Plan & Training

A new California law (SB 553) requires employers to publish a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan and provide annual training on recognizing and addressing workplace violence.

Stanford University strives to provide a safe work environment free from threats or acts of violence. Our Administrative Guide 2.2.4: Violence in the Workplace outlines what constitutes a threat and how to report concerning behavior.  

In addition to having an established policy and reporting procedure, a new California law (SB 553) requires employers to publish a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan and provide annual training on recognizing and addressing workplace violence. 

All employees (including non-academic staff, academic staff, faculty, casual, temporary, and student employees), as well as postdoctoral scholars, received an email from University Human Resources on July 1 (Subject line: New Workplace Violence Prevention Plan and Training Requirement) about this new law and the required training. 

You can read the Plan and learn more about the training on Cardinal at Work

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback about the Workplace Violence Prevention Plan and training or have accessibility issues, please contact UHR-Employee and Labor Relations at

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