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Viewing Indirect Reports Job Aid for Managers

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Accessing the performance website:

You will launch the site directly from Axess: 

This job aid includes how to: 

  • Access your indirect reports through GPS Reports
  • Access your indirect reports through the platform

Access your Indirect Reports through GPS Reports

screenshot of GPS system
screenshot of GPS system

Report Column Definitions:

Column Title

Column Definition

Status Definition


Category the performance review document falls underNot started, In progress, other

Performance Document Status

Status of the review itselfIn progress, Completed, Canceled

Performance Task

The current task of the performance review documentAll Tasks:
-Worker self-evaluation
-Manager evaluation of workers
-Manager confirms review meeting held
-Employee acknowledgment required, comments optional

Performance Task Status

The status of the current performance taskReady - the current task has not been started
In progress - the current task has been initiated but is not complete
Completed - the final task has been completed and the review is completed

Access your Indirect Reports through the Platform