Viewing Indirect Reports Job Aid for Managers
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Accessing the performance website:
You will launch the site directly from Axess:
This job aid includes how to:
- Access your indirect reports through GPS Reports
- Access your indirect reports through the platform
Access your Indirect Reports through GPS Reports

Report Column Definitions:
Column Title | Column Definition | Status Definition |
Grouping | Category the performance review document falls under | Not started, In progress, other |
Performance Document Status | Status of the review itself | In progress, Completed, Canceled |
Performance Task | The current task of the performance review document | All Tasks: -Worker self-evaluation -Manager evaluation of workers -Manager confirms review meeting held -Employee acknowledgment required, comments optional |
Performance Task Status | The status of the current performance task | Ready - the current task has not been started In progress - the current task has been initiated but is not complete Completed - the final task has been completed and the review is completed |

Access your Indirect Reports through the Platform