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Campus Lactation Spaces

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You may express milk wherever you feel comfortable. To prepare for your return, you should become familiar with the campus spaces that may be used for lactation.

Any space that is private and not located in a bathroom can be considered as a lactation space. Employees should contact their supervisor, manager or Human Resources Manager to work out arrangements for meeting their lactation space needs, which might include support for:

  • Scheduling conference rooms
  • Using an unoccupied office (with permission)
  • Hanging temporary blinds or curtains to create a private space

The WorkLife Office is available to provide consultation to building managers related to specific building needs and options. Funding may be available to support lactation room enhancement projects in zone-managed buildings. Please contact us by Support Request

Lactation Spaces

Stanford University, Stanford Hospital and Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital have identified a total of 30+ rooms– for the most part multi-purpose spaces – that may be available for lactation purposes. Check with department, building, facility or space coordinators for information about space options and whom to contact for permission to use a space.