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Programs and Discussion Groups

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BABBLE: Back After Baby Bonding Leave Ends

Are you a parent preparing to return or recently returned from your maternity/paternity/baby bonding leave? As a working parent, you don’t want to miss this valuable virtual workshop on managing the transition back to work after the baby.

Kindergarten Readiness Virtual Workshops

Join us for two valuable workshops in partnership with Parents Place focusing on preparing for your child's transition to kindergarten and choosing the best elementary school for your child and family.

Maternity & Child Care Benefits Workshop

If you're going to become a parent, don't miss this monthly workshop on maternity and child care benefits from Stanford. The seminar includes information on income replacement and health care benefits during the period you're off, and how to apply.

Monthly Caregiver Discussion Group

We partner with Avenidas to offer monthly discussion group for caregivers. A variety of topics are explored each month and caregivers can share their experiences in a supportive group.

Aging Wisely: Your Roadmap to Long-Term Care

This four-part workshop series provides a compassionate environment to explore your questions and concerns, and help you gain a holistic perspective on how to approach long-term care planning for yourself or a loved one. Through presentations and group discussions you will learn strategies and tools to help you assess your specific long-term care needs and explore solutions to common questions related to care planning. Whether you are a caregiver to others or interested in your own future care, you will have the opportunity to develop a customized long-term care roadmap supporting you to successfully plan for care.

Choosing Child Care

Choosing care for your child is a big decision. It is important that you feel comfortable with your choice, and that you feel confident that your child is in a safe and caring environment. There are many options for child care, and at times the search for the right one for your family can feel overwhelming. In this workshop you will gain knowledge and tools to search for child care that meets your family's needs, and set yourself and your child up for a successful child care experience.