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Stanford Celebrates You FAQ for Managers

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Manager FAQ

What does the new program include?

Staff Honoree Group: One year

Recognition: Employee receives a digital congratulatory message from the president and provost

Timing: Begins fall quarter 2018; sent shortly after service anniversary


Staff Honoree Group: Starting at five years, and in five-year increments thereafter

Recognition: Employee receives an email invitation to visit a secure portal, and has the option to select an award (either a service pin or a comparable award)


Receives a commemorative “yearbook” publication, personalized for the recipient with name and years of service, and with a congratulatory message from the president and provost, to be presented in school/unit celebrations.


  • Email invitation sent to employee shortly after their service anniversary
  • Yearbook presentations to be integrated into school/unit practices throughout FY19 and onward.


Staff Honoree Group: Starting at 25 years, and in five-year increment thereafter

Recognition: At the annual Celebrating Staff Careers event, honorees who have achieved the service milestone in the previous calendar year receive an acrylic numeral award


A certificate signed by the president and provost

Timing: Celebrating Staff Careers is an annual staff recognition event held in the spring quarter.


Note: Employees with service milestone anniversaries that occurred the first half of 2018 may be eligible to participate if they have not already received a university-provided service pin. The Stanford Celebrates You team will be coordinating with local human resources managers to determine eligibility.

Will my school/unit continue our existing staff service recognition practices?

Reach out to your school or unit human resources manager for information about local service recognition; those practices may or may not change based on decisions by your leaders.

I received an email notification; what am I supposed to do?

Email notices are sent to managers of staff honorees a week prior to the honoree's service anniversary milestone. It's a great opportunity to recognize the staff service contributions of your honoree(s).

If you receive an email notification reminding you of your staff member’s upcoming service anniversary, a managerial best practice is to take advantage of the opportunity to recognize and appreciate your employee’s contributions.  For example, you could congratulate your team member in a staff meeting, in a 1:1 meeting, or at a local celebration.

The 'from' email address for notifications to managers is: If you receive an email notification for someone who does not report to you, please forward to the employee’s manager or your local human resources manager if the employee’s manager is unknown. It is possible you may not receive an email notification, based on how the staff job records are set up in your area.

Additionally, it’s possible your staff who receive an email invitation to select an award may come to you for help to identify if the email is legitimate. The 'from' email address for invitations to staff to select an award is: Please reassure them this is a Stanford program, and encourage them to visit the portal to select their award.

For the yearbooks, how will I present those to honorees?

Your school or unit will communicate plans for staff service recognition celebrations and your role related to the presentation of yearbook gifts. Some areas have regular celebrations where the yearbooks will be presented, and other areas without regular celebrations will determine how the yearbooks will be presented. Reach out to your school or unit human resources manager for more detail regarding presentation of yearbooks.

I have staff who celebrated a service anniversary in the first half of 2018; will they be invited to select an award?

Because schools and units may have already recognized staff with service milestones that took place in the first half of 2018, the Stanford Celebrates You team will be working with human resources managers to determine which staff may be eligible to receive an award retroactively during this transition year. If your staff member had a service milestone of 5+ years (in five-year increments; 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.) between January 1 and July 22, 2018, and they did not already receive an award, a one-time "catch-up" will occur in late August 2018 to notify eligible staff to select an award. If they do not receive an email invitation to select an award by fall quarter, please contact your school or unit human resources manager. For this "catch-up" group, managers will not receive prior notification.

What's the purpose of this new program?

We are enhancing our institutional service recognition for many reasons, including:

  • To have a consistent approach university-wide that ensures each staff member celebrating a service milestone of 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 or more years (in five-year increments) receives institutional acknowledgment for their service
  • Recognition is an important aspect of the employee experience and reflects our community’s values to recognize and share appreciation for service to the university
  • Our new program is meant to institutionally strengthen the visibility and consistency for staff service recognition offerings
If I have questions about the program, who do I contact?

If your questions are about the program offerings, please email the Stanford Celebrates You team. If you have questions about local practices or need guidance about how to recognize your team members, please contact your school/unit human resources manager.