HR Resources
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To support the implementation of flexible work at the school/unit level, HR leaders and HR managers can find resources in the secure HR Toolkit.
The HR Toolkit resources require secure login.
Flexible Work Guidance and Policies

To facilitate the implementation of flexible work arrangements in appropriate circumstances, you'll find the following resources.
- Hybrid and Remote Work Arrangements Toolkit for HR
- Remote Compensation Toolkit
- Work Arrangement and Policy Overview Page
- Guidelines on Home Equipment and Expenses/Reimbursements
- Staff Compensation: Salary Structure Information
- AGM 2.1.5 Compensation of Staff Employees
- AGM 8.1.3 Provision of Mobile Equipment and Related Services
- AGM 5.4.2 Business Travel Expenses
Work Agreements in Axess

Axess serves as the centralized system for tracking and aggregating all hybrid and remote work agreements.