Executive Summary
The Flexible Work Committee released a Manager Playbook in 2021 to provide guidance to school and unit leaders regarding the implementation of flexible work arrangements. The Manager Playbook resources are now integrated into the Flexible Work webpages to allow for easy access and updating as we continue to learn, evolve and develop new guidance to support managers.
The framework and tools provided take into account our vision and guiding principles of flexible work at Stanford and are designed to support consistent decision-making processes and a positive employee experience.
Our goal is to provide flexible work arrangements that allow us to excel in meeting both Stanford’s mission and school/unit business needs, as well as encourage greater work-life integration for employees and support them in addressing continuing affordability challenges.
Your role as a people manager
As people managers, you have a significant role to play in implementing work arrangements that reflect your organization's culture, group norms and practices, organization and team goals and objectives. You also provide the critical interface with individual employees as they express their needs and preferences.
You have the important opportunity and challenge of examining and responding to these various inputs to help design a future of work that is compassionate, inclusive and empowering. You are not alone in this work.
Who to contact for additional support
The Flexible Work team is here to support you, and your school/unit HR Leaders are also committed to providing additional guidance as needed on how and when to use these tools.
If you have specific questions, please reach out to the flexible work change management team at flexiblework@stanford.edu.