Minors in Labs
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While all programs and activities involving minors are expected to complete the policy requirements specified in Administrative Guide Memo 1.8.1: Protection of Minors, there are additional requirements that must be satisfied when minors will be working in labs at Stanford. These apply to formal internship programs as well as individual internships involving minors in labs. These requirements are detailed in the Office of Science Outreach website under Faculty Resources. Please also view Health & Safety Requirements for Minors in Laboratories at Stanford University.
Additional requirements for all programs or activities, including internships, where minors will be working in labs:
- Complete the “Guidelines & Checklist for Hosting Minors in Labs” found on the Office of Science Outreach’s website under Faculty Resources.
- Review and adhere to Environmental Health & Safety’s (EH&S) Health & Safety Requirements for Minors in Laboratories at Stanford University.
- Program Sponsors must ensure that minors complete required online and lab specific safety training. Contact EH&S at (650) 723-0448 for guidance on appropriate trainings and/or consult the Training Needs Assessment tool in STARS.
- Consultations or approvals from EH&S and/or medical surveillance/clearance may also be required depending on the type of work proposed. Contact EH&S Laboratory Safety Program at (650) 723-0448 for guidance.