Program Sponsors
Live Scan Fingerprinting
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Each program or activity operated by the university must have an identified Stanford department serve as the Program Sponsor, represented by a Department Chair, Senior Staff, Institute Director, or designee from the sponsoring organization.
The Program Sponsor must be one of the following:
- Stanford University academic department, school, or institute
- Stanford administrative office operating on behalf of the university
- Non-academic departments recognized by the President's Office, such as Athletics
- University student groups registered with and approved by Student Activities and Leadership
For additional information, see the Office of Special Events & Protocol's University Events Policy and the Stanford Event Organizer.
Each program or activity operated by a third party must be reviewed and approved by the university through a process established by University Human Resources. If the Third Party Program is approved, University Human Resources will serve as its Program Sponsor on behalf of the university.
Program Sponsors are responsible for ensuring the following requirements are met. Please note that online programs and activities must still be registered and meet all of the following policy requirements, unless otherwise indicated below.
1. Register Your Program or Activity
All programs and activities involving minors covered under the Protection of Minors policy (in-person and online) must be registered with University Human Resources. To register a program or activity, the Program Sponsor or their designated Program Administrator must log into the Protection of Minors Management System (ePOM) to complete and submit the registration form. A Program Administrator is an employee who is delegated by the Program Sponsor the role of ensuring that all required information is submitted into ePOM. The Program Sponsor remains responsible for meeting all requirements under the Protection of Minors Policy.
Please register your program or activity involving minors as early as possible to provide ample time for University Human Resources staff to assist you in meeting each of the policy requirements.
Please ensure that your program or activity will have an isolation space for participants who are required to isolate, for example, due to COVID-19 or other illness, until they can be picked up by their parent/guardian. Minors also need to be supervised by two Program Staff while in isolation.
2. Submit a Signed Program Sponsor Acknowledgment Form
Program Sponsors must review and sign a Program Sponsor Acknowledgment Form. Please submit the completed form to University Human Resources at
3. Submit Staff and Participant Information
At least 30 days prior to the program or activity start date, information about individuals who will be working directly with, supervising, or otherwise overseeing minors participating in the program or activity (Program Staff) must be submitted into the Protection of Minors Management System (ePOM). Program Staff may be added into ePOM by uploading an Excel formatted ePOM Program Staff Roster, or by manual entry. Third Party Program Staff may be added using the ePOM Third Party Program Staff Roster, or by manual entry.
All Program Staff for programs and activities operated by Stanford University require a SUNet ID. If the Program Staff member does not have a SUNet ID, then the Program Sponsor will need to sponsor one for them. For more information, please see the job aid on sponsoring a SUNet ID.
Information about the minor(s) participating in the program or activity (Program Participant) must also be submitted into ePOM. Program Participants may be added into ePOM by uploading an Excel formatted ePOM Program Participant Roster, or by manual entry.
Any subsequent updates to Program Staff and/or Program Participant information may be made prior to the program or activity start date. If Program Staff and/or Program Participants drop out of the program or activity after the start date, but participated in at least one day, then their information should remain in ePOM.
4. Collect and Submit Signed Liability Waivers
The signed Assumption of Risk, Release of Claims and Hold Harmless Agreement must be collected from all Program Participants before they may participate in the program or activity. The signed liability waiver must be submitted into the Protection of Minors Management System through one of two ways: (1) upload the signed liability waiver as an attachment, or (2) use the e-mail function in ePOM to send the Program Participant's parent/guardian a unique URL, which will allow them to complete and submit the liability waiver, as well as additional Program Participant, parent/guardian, and emergency contact information.
For programs that occurred before the launch of ePOM on April 6, 2020, liability waivers should be retained until two years after the Program Participants turn 18 years old.
5. Collect and Securely Maintain Medical Information Forms
It’s important to collect Program Participants' medical information to ensure the health and well-being of minors involved with your program or activity. Equally important is protecting participants’ privacy and maintaining appropriate confidentiality of their information.
For a template document containing information deemed relevant for programs and activities with minors, download the Medical Insurance Information, Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment & Emergency Contact Information Form. Pay particular attention to the third page of that document regarding secure maintenance and procedures for destruction of medical information.
Medical information forms should be maintained securely on-site throughout the event for Program Staff to reference as needed. These documents or copies of these documents may not be submitted into the Protection of Minors Management System. Medical information forms should be destroyed once the program or activity concludes.
For programs and activities that are completely online, the collection of medical information forms for Program Participants is not required.
6. Ensure Minimum Ratios of Program Staff to Minors Are Met
Staffing for supervision of minors may vary depending on the type of program or activity, the activities involved, and requirements imposed by the Program Sponsor. However, at a minimum, the following Program Staff to minors ratios must be met:
6–8 years | 1 | 6 | 8 |
9–13 years | 1 | 8 | 10 |
14–17 years | 1 | 10 | 12 |
For programs and activities that are completely online, adherence to the above minimum staffing ratio is not required. However, there should be no one-on-one interactions between Program Staff and a Program Participant.
7. Ensure Program Staff Complete and Clear Background Checks
Program Sponsors are required to ensure that Program Staff complete a Live Scan background check and a HireRight background check (if applicable).
All Program Staff must complete and clear a Live Scan background check prior to the program or activity start date. Newly hired employees must complete a HireRight background check prior to their first day of work and a Live Scan background check prior to the program or activity start date (if later).
Program Sponsors and Program Administrators can confirm whether Program Staff cleared the Live Scan background check in the Protection of Minors Management System once Program Staff are added to the program or activity.
For more information about the Live Scan background check process for individuals working with minors, or the HireRight background check process for Stanford employees, please see Background Checks.
8. Ensure Program Staff Complete Training
Program Sponsors are required to ensure that Program Staff receive training as required by the Protection of Minors policy, on the following topics:
- Recognizing sexual abuse, child abuse and neglect and obligation and avenues to report suspected incidents
- Appropriate ratio of Program Staff to minors
- Appropriate behavior with minors
Program Sponsors are responsible for ensuring that Program Staff have completed the required training prior to the program or activity start date. Program Sponsors and Program Administrators can confirm whether Program Staff have completed the required training in the Protection of Minors Management System once Program Staff are added to the program or activity.
Online training is available through STARS for members of the Stanford community. View links on the Training page.
For departments that wish to provide in-person training in lieu of online training, please see more information on the Training page.