Program Staff
Program Staff includes all individuals who will be working directly with, supervising, or otherwise overseeing minors participating in the program or activity. This could include Stanford staff members, Principal Investigators, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, students, volunteers, etc., whether in formal programs or working with a minor on an ad hoc basis.
Program Staff must complete background check and training requirements in accordance with Stanford University policy.
All Program Staff for programs and activities operated by Stanford must have a SUNet ID. If the Program Staff member does not have a SUNet ID, then the Program Sponsor will need to sponsor one for them. Please see the job aid on sponsoring a SUNet ID.
1) Background Checks
Program Staff include all individuals (including employees, students, faculty, volunteers, etc.) who will be working directly with, supervising, chaperoning or otherwise overseeing minors in Stanford-sponsored programs or activities. All Program Staff must complete and clear a Live Scan background check prior to the program or activity start date, in accordance with the Protection of Minors Policy. Newly hired employees must complete a HireRight background check prior to their first day of work and a Live Scan background check prior to the program or activity start date (if later), in accordance with the Stanford University Background Check Policy.
If Program Staff previously cleared a Live Scan background check for Stanford and subsequently left the university, they may be required to complete the Live Scan background check again upon their return. Note that Live Scan background checks completed for other organizations are not valid for Stanford’s purposes, as results cannot be shared with Stanford.
Program Sponsors are responsible for ensuring that Program Staff have cleared the required background checks. Program Sponsors and Program Administrators will be able to confirm whether Program Staff have cleared the Live Scan background check in the Protection of Minors Management System once they are added to the program or activity. Program Staff may also confirm whether they have cleared the Live Scan background check by contacting University Human Resources at (650) 721-4272 or
Live Scan Instructions
- Prior to getting fingerprinted, complete the Live Scan application (note that the pre-populated Live Scan application form cannot be used by Third Party Programs and individuals not affiliated with Stanford). Information on how to complete the Live Scan application form, including a sample form, is available in the Live Scan FAQ.
- Bring the completed application form and a government-issued ID, such as a U.S. Driver's License, U.S. passport or foreign passport with U.S. visa, to a Live Scan fingerprinting location.
- Stanford offers occasional free Live Scan fingerprinting sessions on campus. See the Protection of Minors Events page for dates. Find other locations for Live Scan fingerprinting, including associated fees, via the California Department of Justice.
- All Program Staff will need to submit their completed Live Scan application form to University Human Resources. Program Staff will not meet the university’s Live Scan requirement unless they have completed this step. Once Program Staff complete the fingerprint submission, they must submit their form through this link. Please note if Program Staff complete Live Scan at a free on-campus session hosted by Stanford, a copy of their application form will be submitted to University Human Resources directly by the vendor.
- Program Sponsors must ensure that Program Staff have cleared the required background checks by checking their Live Scan clearance status in the Protection of Minors Management System.
- Program Staff who previously cleared a Live Scan background check for Stanford and subsequently left the university may be required to complete a Live Scan background check again.
On-Campus Sessions
A Live Scan unit periodically comes to campus to provide fingerprinting services at no cost to faculty, staff, students or their department. Please see the Protection of Minors Events page for more information. Please note, the on-campus Live Scan fingerprinting sessions can only process Live Scan application forms where results are submitted to Stanford. If you have completed Live Scan for Stanford in the past, you may not need to submit your fingerprints again. Contact University Human Resources at to confirm whether your results are on file.
Please bring the following to an on-campus Live Scan event:
- Bring a completed Live Scan application form. Identify the specific program or activity for which you are completing Live Scan in the field "Type of License/Certification/Permit OR Working Title." Note that this field is limited to 30 characters. Information on how to complete the Live Scan application form, including a sample form, is available in the Live Scan FAQ.
- Bring a government-issued ID, such as a U.S. Driver's License, U.S. passport or foreign passport with U.S. visa.
Out-of-State Live Scan
Generally, Live Scan background checks must be completed in person in the State of California. Live Scan background checks may be completed out-of-state with the use of two fingerprint hard cards (Form FD-258), one for the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and one for the FBI. This process requires extensive lead time (approximately 2-3 months).
If sufficient lead time is available, please contact University Human Resources at and confirm if you would like for our office to mail you two fingerprint hard cards. Alternatively, you can contact your local law enforcement agency within your state to determine if you could obtain two FD-258 fingerprint cards directly from them. Our office will send you instructions on how to complete the hard cards and the Live Scan process.
If you have any questions, download the FAQ or contact University Human Resources at 650-721-4272 or
2) Training
All Program Staff in programs or activities involving minors must complete training as required under the Protection of Minors policy. An online training module is available for members of the Stanford community through STARS.
If any Program Staff completed the Working with Minors training course in the past, they may not be required to complete it again.
Program Sponsors are responsible for ensuring that Program Staff have completed the required training prior to the program or activity start date. Program Sponsors and Program Administrators will be able to confirm whether Program Staff have completed the required training in the Protection of Minors Management System once they are added to the program or activity. Program Staff may also confirm whether they have completed the Working with Minors training course and/or the Mandated Reporter Acknowledgement by contacting University Human Resources at (650) 721-4272 or
Training for Employees
The training program for Stanford employees, Working with Minors at Stanford and Mandated Reporter Acknowledgement, is listed in STARS under Program Code WWM-PROG-2000. This training program includes the Mandated Reporter Acknowledgement form, which is required for all employees who come into contact with children on a regular basis, or supervise those who do.
Training for Volunteers
Volunteers, including undergraduate students in a volunteer capacity, with a program/activity involving minors are not included among the roles legally specified as mandated reporters, and their training requirement may be satisfied by completing just the Working with Minors at Stanford course listed in STARS under Activity Code WWM-1000-WEB.
In-Person Training
If in-person training is conducted, ensure that the training materials include topics outlined in Administrative Guide 1.8.1: Protection of Minors and resources below. Confirmation that Program Staff completed in-person training must be submitted to University Human Resources at using the template roster.
In-Person Training Resources: