Section 1: Understanding the continuum of change & engagement
Enhancing the Level of Employee Engagement Guide (PDF)
Supportive management (See Employee Engagement Chart for icon reference)
Teams go through stages of development on their journey as indicated by the Tuckman Model: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing. Similar to the stages of grief, there are phases of change that teams cycle through as exhibited in the Scott & Jaffe Change Model: Denial, Resistance, Exploration, Commitment. In both cases, at pivotal moments of disruption, whether instructed by management or environmentally imposed, even established high performing teams will regress to earlier stages and require a reset.
Change Acceleration Framework
We usually only think about these models when forming a new team or onboarding a new leader. However, they can also help any individual employee impacted by disruption (lay-off, org restructure, etc.) to anticipate what they might experience in the weeks following a change, within themselves and their environment. The following framework builds on the models in consideration of the current organizational and environmental realities. Help your teams move from surviving to thriving by observing (indicators) what’s happening and taking supportive action (accelerators).