Managing Employees on Leaves of Absence
When your employee needs to take time off to care for themselves or a loved one, you don't need to be an expert on state and federal laws or disability insurance.
Your role is to understand how long they'll be gone and effectively plan and manage your team's workload and expectations during the leave. Stanford works with AbsenceOne on claims management, and they should be the first point of contact -- for you and your employees -- for questions about disability and leaves. You can see an overview of your team's current leaves in the My Leaves portal.
Resources for Managers
Process Overview: Managing an Employee on a Leave of Absence
Sample Communication: Email notification when your employee starts a new claim
Sample Communication: Email request to confirm employee's return-to-work date
Guide: Using the My Leaves Portal, for Managers
Article: What to Expect When Your Employee is Expecting
Benefits Overview: Leaves of Absences at Stanford
Resources for Employees
Checklist: Steps for Taking a Leave
Guide: Using the My Leaves Portal, for Employees