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Retiree Status & Privileges

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Your status as an official university retired faculty member may include certain privileges.


  • Faculty members who become official university retirees are bestowed with the emeritus or emerita title authorized by the Board of Trustees
  • Emeritus/emerita faculty become senior members of the Academic Council with privileges of the floor and service on committees, but without the right to vote or hold office
  • The department determines the extent of an individual’s participation in departmental affairs, which can vary from department to department
  • A recalled emeritus does not receive the same status within the department as a regular faculty appointment. For example, retired faculty (whether recalled or not) are not asked to vote on appointments, reappointments or promotions. If the department would like the retiree’s participation, it would be in an advisory role. For more information, see section 2.6.G(4)a of the Faculty Handbook
  • Recalled emeriti faculty members are eligible to act as principal investigators on sponsored projects, although the project must not exceed the duration of the recall period. Emeriti faculty should consult with their dean or chair before making a commitment to act as a principal investigator. For more information, see section 2.6.G(4)b of the Faculty Handbook
  • Emeriti may retain a campus home and Faculty Club membership, and receive free campus parking privileges
  • Other retirement benefits include use of the libraries, access to recreational and other facilities and services of the university, and use of the Tuition Grant Program for eligible dependent children
  • Faculty may be reimbursed up to $1,500 for financial planning expenses. For questions on reimbursement, contact Cristen Shinbashi in Faculty Affairs: or (650) 724-4864
  • Allocation of office or laboratory space and/or administrative support services varies by department and school. Questions should be addressed to the department chair or dean